Intelligent Transport Systems

Second-cycle degree programme

Students of the Intelligent Transport Systems specialisation in the second-cycle study develop their knowledge in the field of: automation, architecture of intelligent transport systems (ITS), electronic safety systems in transport, intelligent automation and diagnostic systems, telecommunications environment of ITS, location and management of means of transport, analysis of images and signals in ITS, information security in ITS, design of ITS elements.

Graduates of the specialisation have the skills to create framework architecture of ITS and to evaluate and choose ITS solutions, to use telecommunications and communication technology systems used for management and control in transport, including ITS.

The graduates may use their qualifications by finding employment in:

  • companies dealing with construction and maintenance of information transfer facilities,
  • transport companies in departments of communication technology support,
  • telecommunications companies,
  • construction and design offices of communication technology systems and networks,
  • public administration offices responsible for transport,
  • transport operator companies,
  • public transport companies.

The skills acquired can be used in road, railway, and air transport.